Thursday, January 04, 2007

新的一年, 新的希望

Highlights of 2oo6
- ORD!!
- a new phase in life, uni. but its kind of hard to balance between work and studies.
- bangkok with the brothersinrhythmn
- zoukout06 (its the fkn highligh everyyear)
- i can't remember anymore.

yet another year has passed.

in piority order

1)thou shall pass me exams with flying colours

2)thou shall mix more

3)thou shall be more healthy, exercise more, run more, swim more

4)thou shall earn more money

5)thou shall try to spend less & save more

6)thou shall try to zouk more :P

what else?

a friend showed me this video

creatively done and crude...
but wtf?!


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