Sunday, May 29, 2005

Confusion is Confused

went to the Study in Australia Open Day by iDP today at orchard hotel with ling & alex.

it was an eye opener, in terms of the amount of information i have learnt during the whole time i was there.

and yes, the more information you get, the harder it is to make a choice. henceforth, confusion.

i asked around many universities. namely Swinburne, RMIT, Curtin, Deakin, Murdoch.

mainly universities in melbourne & perth.

my top choice would be RMIT, considering the fact that they offer a degree in Industrial Design.
but Swinburne too, offering me a course in Product Design Engineering.
the difference between the 2 courses, is that the degree by RMIT is a design based course which requires a portfolio and the one from Swinburne is a engineering based course and requires no portfolio.
Both courses are related to what i have now, a Dip in Product Design Engineering.
sounds the same as Swinburne's uh?

Portfolio, is it so hard?
yes in a way. I have no software at home which allows me to draw something out, the program is way too expensive, and those pirated shops don't have it. they only have autocad and i have totally returned what i learnt to the lecturer. perhaps playing around with it can make me get my touches back. ah the days in the lab... how i miss them. lol.
the next thing is that even if i go back to my poly and get my drawings back, the thing is, do they still have it?
if i were to use the coms to draw something, i need an account. and i don't happen to be a student anymore there. Maybe i should ask my Mentor for aid. should i?

I'm in a state of confusion now. which one should i take?
Not to mention the other universities i have enquired about too.
Curtin's Product Design which majors in other stuff. eg: Creative Advertising or Furniture.
and others which does not interest me but somehow i get some exemptions. like...
Deakin's Instrumental & Process Engineering.
Murdoch is out of the question. Don't ask me why, i have no idea.

Although my interests remains with music production or audio engineering, Product Design is what i studied in poly and perhaps my thinking is that i'm much more prepared for similiar courses and although is a tedious course, its kinda interesting. designing new products, being in-charge of the manufacturing process, the materials chosen.

the next thing that is bothering me is the universities' standard.
my cousin bennett told me Curtin is shit, and he encouraged me to go Deakin. RMIT is where he graduate from and he says its a good school. and Swinburne has only got a "Not Bad" grade from him.
totally confused.
advice needed. urgently to help me make up my mind.

you know what, suddenly, i feel very useless as a spec in my unit. there was talk about favouritism (spelling check) in the shift. And i'm sure i'm not one of them. But then, somehow, i feel i have mistreated some of the men for the more "lao jiao" men.
it ain't easy controlling a bunch of people who's gonna ord in 3 mths time.
they aren't trained by you, probably you'll have to win their respect with welfare.
More welfare = Them climbing over you.
Shitty uh.
Ain't easy being a spec.
Protecting your men is the duty of a spec. But you do not forget about ops. Ops come first no doubt, but, it must make sense. sometimes, specs try to go the shortcut for the good of the men. And then again you answer to the top and bottom. your ass will get fucked by the officers. commissioned officers. you know who you are you god damn mutherfucker. the only exemption i would give is my PC. best. both of them. the before and the new one.
ah... filling in a sandwich.
spec sandwich, want some?
but then, i'm proud to be a specialist. One who is from SISPEC Bravo Company.
With Pride We Lead.


At 10:59 PM, Blogger susu said...

Interesting blog u have there~

At 3:30 AM, Blogger zann said...

how did you got here?

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I was going to paste the link without permission pictures of nature


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